Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Family Blog

Okay, So something happened and I was unable to use my work email for this blog. So I had to change it. Sorry about all this. It is a work in progress. I hope that this one will work. I created a gmail account to use instead of my work email.

Please post often and sign it so we now who is posting to our account. Please add as many pics as you want and if anyone wants to change the layout feel free to do so.

1 comment:

Owen Family said...

Hello all this is the Thompson's we are doing great. Loving being back in the valley i just want you all to know that i love you. I want mom to know that she is the best she has helped me through so much and i am so thankful for her and her strength she has raised us six kids and did a wonderful job amber and her beautiful kids and she loves to laugh and what she and shane and the clan add to our family and kevin and amy. kevin was always my best friend and i thought when he got married that i lost that well no i got a new friend amy who has gone through so much and i am sure still is but yet is so strong and such a good mom to the two most beautiful and intelligent girls ever and maddison she is so spiritual she is an example to all of us. julie and cody are so much fun and they are always good to talk to cody is funny and yet when you need to hear the truth he tells you in a way that it is help full not hurtful. and julie and her love to help wow she is amazing at anything she puts her mind to. brian well brian has shown me so much it was hard the past little bit but to watch how he has grown and learned. i have a new respect for him and melissa for putting up with him ha ha just kidding. they are lucky to have one another and his kids will always make you laugh and smile. emily and matt. matt is one of my heros his priesthood is so strong i have no doubt that he was emily's angel to watch him and whitness his doings he will be great in his life and will do many things i know and i also have a great husband he has taught me so much i know one day we will meet in the temple and be an eternal family. and dad the lessons and time he has given us all he is a hero and a great father. i know this sounds cheesy but i want you all to know these things. i have learned that family is so important i took it forgranted and i am ashamed but i love you all and we can all move on. and start a new day and chapter. as for where me and nick are we are living down on the island and he is still working down in pleasant view. i am working for my father in law and am getting my realtors licence with in the next month. we have chester and he is doing great he is a fun part of our family of five ha ha lucky teal and chester are our children fur and all well i love you all and will be talking to you soon. love sarah and nick thompson